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Aikatsu! Movie
The story of the anime revolves around Ichigo, who was just a normal middle school student until she suddenly got involved in the world of idols. The film will center on Aikatsu!'s greatest "Super Live" concert yet, the Dai Star Miya Ichigo Matsuri. Ichigo prepares for the concert with press conferences, last-minute lessons, and more.
(Source: ANN)
Crayon Shin-chan Movie 19: Arashi wo Yobu Ougon no Spy Daisakusen
Comical action spy film including an indecent material (flatus) and a story of a girl who had obeyed her parents, but becomes self-aware. A mystery spy girl Lemon Sunomono suddenly appears in front of Shinnosuke, and she calls herself an emissary of Action Kamen. She had trained as a spy by her parents in the Sukashipestan Republic, and works for the Queens. Under her guidance, Shinnosuke decides to be a spy to fight for justice, and receives spy training. Under the instruction of Action Kamen, Lemon and Shinnosuke perform a mission to creep into the laboratory in the Hedelna Kingdom and recapture a capsule from an evil professor, but Lemon finds the real purpose of the Queens, and they fight to foil the plot of the Queens.
(Source: Manabu Tsuribe)
Maison Ikkoku: Shiki Utsuriyuku Kisetsu no Naka de
A recap of the Maison Ikkoku series that focuses on the relationship between Godai and Kyoko. The entire special is taken from footage of the TV series.