Which forgotten word are you??

1)Fudgel(18th century)
Pretending to work while actually doing nothing.

2)Groke(Old Scots language)
Someone who stares at you while you eat, hoping you'll share.

3)Lanspresado(18th century)
Someone who always conveniently shows up with no money.

4)Ultracrepidarian(19th century)
Somebody who gives opinions on subjects they know nothing about.

5)Peg Puff(Old Scots)
A young woman with the manners of an old one.

6)Shivviness(Old English)
The uncomfortable feeling of wearing new underwear.

7)Uhtceare(Old English)
Lying awake and worrying about the day ahead.

Mine are 1,6 and 7th one may be the 4th one too🐱