1. **The Story is Too Long**: While many appreciate the depth and breadth of "One Piece," some fans argue that the story's length is excessive, making it difficult for new viewers to catch up and causing the narrative to lose focus at times.

2. **Nami and Usopp are More Important than Zoro and Sanji**: Some fans believe Nami and Usopp's contributions, such as navigation and strategic planning, are more critical to the crew's success than the combat prowess of Zoro and Sanji.

3. **Marineford Arc is Overrated**: While often hailed as one of the greatest arcs, some fans argue that the Marineford Arc is overrated, citing rushed character development and a lack of focus on the core Straw Hat crew.

4. **Luffy's Recklessness is a Flaw**: Luffy’s impulsive nature and tendency to rush into danger without considering the consequences can be seen as a significant character flaw that puts his crew at unnecessary risk.

5. **The Animation Quality is Inconsistent**: Although "One Piece" has moments of stunning animation, some fans criticize the overall consistency, with certain episodes and arcs suffering from lower quality visuals and pacing issues.

6. **Romance Should Have a Bigger Role**: Some fans feel that the lack of romantic subplots in "One Piece" limits character development and emotional depth, arguing that subtle romantic elements could enhance the story.

7. **Dressrosa Arc is Too Long**: Despite its importance to the story, the Dressrosa Arc is often criticized for being overly long and drawn out, with too many subplots and characters bogging down the main narrative.

8. **The Series is Overly Optimistic**: While "One Piece" tackles serious themes, some fans argue that its overall optimistic tone and the frequent triumphs of the Straw Hat crew can sometimes undermine the gravity of the story's darker moments.

9. **Shanks is Overhyped**: Despite his significant role in Luffy’s life and the world of "One Piece," some believe Shanks’ limited screen time and lack of concrete actions make him an overhyped character compared to others like Whitebeard or Kaido.

10. **Devil Fruits are Overused**: While Devil Fruits are a central element of the series, some fans feel that their frequent introduction and varied abilities can sometimes overshadow the importance of haki and other non-fruit-based skills.

Shît hottakes 🤡 well I agree with 4, 7, 9 don't hate me now one piece fans I love one piece these are just hottakes ,😊