The stupidest comment I read from this genre of anime

ecchi- why they are over se#ualizing everything? Why so much skin?....
shoujo ai/yuri/gl- why girls are loving each other? Lesbi@nsssss....
yaoi/bl- why it is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo g@y...
shouji - why it is lovely dovey and girly... why reverse harem including girls in it
Slice of life - why it is so slow and wholesome
harem- why there are so many girls/guys falling for mc... It is against______
and so on.

dude at least read tags and age rating, short description. It is not that difficult. Also if you don't know what genre means what just search it, it barely takes few seconds. Stop commenting like idiots in entire comment section. You are watching intentionally and now you are complaining about it. At least use your eyes and brains. or anime watchers really don't know how to read?

It is not like this comments are few and only in few anime. Almost every anime with these genre is filled with stupid comments. Also don't say anime should follow global law and blah blah blah. That's why half of the anime you can't even find in your country and many are not even dubbed at all. Simple really they are target for Japanese audience.