Chapter 7: The Final Dare

The air chilled as Yor and Saiyan faced the glowing altar, the eerie stillness thick with dread—this was the final trial.

Yor: “I don’t like this, It’s way too quiet.”

Saiyan’s eyes darted around. “We’ve come this far, can’t stop now. We have to fight it.”

A voice boomed from the altar. “You’ve proven your strength and mind, but now you must face what’s left behind. Are you prepared for what’s to be? The final dare, your true destiny.”

The ground shifted, the altar dissolved, and two mirrors appeared. Their reflections stood still, an unsettling sense of dread creeping in. Yor and Saiyan stared.

“These mirrors… they’re not us,” Saiyan murmured, stepping closer.

The voice echoed again, cold and mocking. “One mirror leads to freedom’s light, the other to eternal night. Choose wisely, make no mistake, for only one path you must take.”

Yor's heart raced. “Another riddle, another game. How do we know what’s real?” Saiyan replied, “It's about feeling, not just seeing.”

They stood side by side, their reflections staring blankly back, eyes devoid of life. Time seemed to warp around them, pulling at the edges of their decision.

“We have to choose,” Saiyan whispered, the urgency thick in his voice.

Yor stepped closer to the left mirror, her hand trembling as it hovered over the glass. “This one,” she said softly. “I feel it… like it’s calling us.”

Without another word, They touched the mirror, and it rippled, pulling them in as the world twisted around them.

Suddenly, with a hard thud, they landed back in the old auditorium—the same decrepit stage where the bear had appeared. Everything was untouched, as though no time had passed.

“Is it over?” Yor whispered, glancing nervously at Saiyan. Her voice was barely audible, weighed down by uncertainty.

Saiyan stared at the exit doors—they were wide open, moonlight streaming through. “I think… I think we made it,” he said, but his voice wavered with doubt.

Together, they walked toward the open doors, the night air cool and fresh. The silence outside felt unnerving, too perfect.

“Maybe we won,” Saiyan muttered. “Maybe the dare is done.”

But as they stepped into the night, a rustling sound behind them stopped them cold. They turned back. The doors, now closed, creaked open again—just a crack. And there, in the darkness, a tall shadow stood, its eyes glowing faintly, watching.

“Congratulations,” the familiar voice echoed, dripping with sinister glee. “But don’t forget, there's always another ‘there.’”

The doors slammed shut with a heavy bang, leaving them standing in the cold night, unsure if they had truly escaped.

The moon hung low, casting long shadows across the schoolyard. Yor and Saiyan exchanged glances, fear etched on their faces, questions spinning in their minds.

Was it really over? Or had the next dare already begun?

To Be Continued...?