Pain or Madara?!

Pain was an orphan found by Jiraiya!
He learned to control his powers!
He joined Akatsuki to end war!
He sought peace through strength and fear!
Past traumas fueled his desire for control!
He became a powerful and feared ninja!
Emotional scars remained beneath his tough exterior!
Redemption and sacrifice marked his final days!!

Madara was a young Uchiha with a strong sense of pride!
He founded Konohagakure with Hashirama Senju!
Ambition drove him to seek power and immortality!
He sought the Nine-Tails' power, leading to conflict!
Madara became a legendary Uchiha, feared by all!
He fought against Hashirama, his former friend and ally!
His **** for power led to his downfall and death!
He came back to life again by using wrong methods!
He wanted everyone to be in dream world where they will be happy but he realized that it was wrong when he got stabbed by black zetsu in war !!

(I choose Pain)