
Movie ?m
The series follows Kou Ootori, an ordinary high school student who experiences a recurring nightmare of being eaten alive by a beast from within. However, when he meets Reiichi Kuki, an upperclassman who controls the school, the curtain of fate unravels. (Source: MAL News)
HiAnime is the best site to watch Chimera SUB online, or you can even watch Chimera DUB in HD quality.
The series follows Kou Ootori, an ordinary high school student who experiences a recurring nightmare of being eaten alive by a beast from within. However, when he meets Reiichi Kuki, an upperclassman who controls the school, the curtain of fate unravels. (Source: MAL News)
Japanese: キマイラ
Aired: ?
Duration: ?m
Status: Not yet aired
MAL Score: ?
HiAnime is the best site to watch Chimera SUB online, or you can even watch Chimera DUB in HD quality.
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